Available commands

Get current available commands:

import musicpd
print(' '.join([cmd for cmd in musicpd.MPDClient()._commands.keys()]))

List, last updated for v0.8.0:

== Status Commands
clearerror                                 -> fetch_nothing
currentsong                                -> fetch_object
idle               [<str>]                 -> fetch_list
noidle                                     -> None
status                                     -> fetch_object
stats                                      -> fetch_object

== Playback Option Commands
consume            <str>                   -> fetch_nothing
crossfade          <int>                   -> fetch_nothing
mixrampdb          <str>                   -> fetch_nothing
mixrampdelay       <int>                   -> fetch_nothing
random             <bool>                  -> fetch_nothing
repeat             <bool>                  -> fetch_nothing
setvol             <int>                   -> fetch_nothing
getvol                                     -> fetch_object
single             <bool>                  -> fetch_nothing
replay_gain_mode   <str>                   -> fetch_nothing
replay_gain_status                         -> fetch_item
volume             <int>                   -> fetch_nothing

== Playback Control Commands
next                                       -> fetch_nothing
pause              [<bool>]                -> fetch_nothing
play               [<int>]                 -> fetch_nothing
playid             [<int>]                 -> fetch_nothing
previous                                   -> fetch_nothing
seek               <int> <int>             -> fetch_nothing
seekid             <int> <int>             -> fetch_nothing
seekcur            <int>                   -> fetch_nothing
stop                                       -> fetch_nothing

== Queue Commands
add                <str>                   -> fetch_nothing
addid              <str> [<int>]           -> fetch_item
clear                                      -> fetch_nothing
delete             <int>|<range>           -> fetch_nothing
deleteid           <int>                   -> fetch_nothing
move               <int>|<range> <int>     -> fetch_nothing
moveid             <int> <int>             -> fetch_nothing
playlist                                   -> fetch_playlist
playlistfind       <locate>                -> fetch_songs
playlistid         [<int>]                 -> fetch_songs
playlistinfo       [<int>|<range>]         -> fetch_songs
playlistsearch     <locate>                -> fetch_songs
plchanges          <int>                   -> fetch_songs
plchangesposid     <int>                   -> fetch_changes
prio               <int> <int>|<range>     -> fetch_nothing,
prioid             <int> <int>             -> fetch_nothing,
rangeid            <int> <range>           -> fetch_nothing,
shuffle            [<range>]               -> fetch_nothing
swap               <int> <int>             -> fetch_nothing
swapid             <int> <int>             -> fetch_nothing
addtagid           <int> <str> <str>       -> fetch_nothing
cleartagid         <int> [<str>]           -> fetch_nothing

== Stored Playlist Commands
listplaylist       <str>                   -> fetch_list
listplaylistinfo   <str>                   -> fetch_songs
listplaylists                              -> fetch_playlists
load               <str> [<range>]         -> fetch_nothing
playlistadd        <str> <str>             -> fetch_nothing
playlistclear      <str>                   -> fetch_nothing
playlistdelete     <str> <int>             -> fetch_nothing
playlistmove       <str> <int> <int>       -> fetch_nothing
rename             <str> <str>             -> fetch_nothing
rm                 <str>                   -> fetch_nothing
save               <str>                   -> fetch_nothing

== Database Commands
albumart           <str> <int>                              -> fetch_composite
count              <str> <str>                              -> fetch_object
count              group <str>                              -> fetch_object
getfingerprint     <str>                                    -> fetch_object
find               <str> <str> [<str> <str>]...             -> fetch_songs
findadd            <str> <str> [<str> <str>]                -> fetch_nothing
list               <str> [<str> <str>]...[group <str>]...   -> fetch_list
listall            [<str>]                                  -> fetch_database
listallinfo        [<str>]                                  -> fetch_database
listfiles          <str>                                    -> fetch_database
lsinfo             [<str>]                                  -> fetch_database
readcomments       [<str>]                                  -> fetch_object
readpicture        <str> <int>                              -> fetch_composite
search             <str> <str> [<str> <str>]...             -> fetch_song
searchadd          <str> <str> [<str> <str>]...             -> fetch_nothing
searchaddpl        <str> <str> <str> [<str> <str>]...       -> fetch_nothing
update             [<str>]                                  -> fetch_item
rescan             [<str>]                                  -> fetch_item

== Mounts and neighbors ==
mount              <str> <str>     -> fetch_nothing
unmount            <str>           -> fetch_nothing
listmounts                         -> fetch_mounts
listneighbors                      -> fetch_neighbors

== Sticker Commands
sticker   get      <str> <str> <str>       -> fetch_item
sticker   set      <str> <str> <str> <str> -> fetch_nothing
sticker   delete   <str> <str> [<str>]     -> fetch_nothing
sticker   list     <str> <str>             -> fetch_list
sticker   find     <str> <str> <str>       -> fetch_songs

== Connection Commands
close                               -> None
kill                                -> None
password           <str>            -> fetch_nothing
ping                                -> fetch_nothing
binarylimit        <str>            -> fetch_nothing
tagtypes                            -> fetch_list
tagtypes disable <str> [<str>]...   -> fetch_nothing
tagtypes enable <str> [<str>]...    -> fetch_nothing
tagtypes clear                      -> fetch_nothing
tagtypes all                        -> fetch_nothing

== Partition Commands
partition          <str>    -> fetch_nothing
listpartitions              -> fetch_list
newpartition       <str>    -> fetch_nothing
delpartition       <str>    -> fetch_nothing
moveoutput         <str>    -> fetch_nothing

== Audio Output Commands
disableoutput      <int>       -> fetch_nothing
enableoutput       <int>       -> fetch_nothing
toggleoutput       <int>       -> fetch_nothing
outputs                        -> fetch_outputs
outputset  <str> <str> <str>   -> fetch_nothing

== Reflection Commands
config           -> fetch_object
commands         -> fetch_list
notcommands      -> fetch_list
urlhandlers      -> fetch_list
decoders         -> fetch_plugins

== Client to Client
subscribe      <str>       -> self._fetch_nothing,
unsubscribe    <str>       -> self._fetch_nothing,
channels                   -> self._fetch_list,
readmessages               -> self._fetch_messages,
sendmessage    <str> <str> -> self._fetch_nothing,